1. When are the Chapter meetings?

Chapter meetings are held on the last Saturday of every month. They start at 3:00 and are held at the Stormy Hill Harley Davidson dealership. A dinner ride sometimes follows the meeting.

2. What is the Easy Ride?

The Easy Ride is an opportunity for new riders to learn the techniques of group riding. We conduct a short class on group riding. This is followed by a leisurely ride led by Road Captains through Lake County (Easy Ride).

3. What is the term of my Chapter membership?

Membership runs on a calendar year from January to December. All current members must fill out a renewal form and pay their annual dues for the upcoming year no later than December 31st of the current year.

4. Do I have to be a National HOG member to join a local Chapter?


5. What is LOH?

Ladies of Harley is another benefit of Chapter membership. Ladies within the Chapter can join LOH. Their primary focus is to raise funds to be used to support various charities. A few of the benefits are monthly meetings, working on charity projects, and taking rides together.

6. What is the Traveling Hog?

The Traveling Hog is also called Mr. Bacon. Every two (2) months, Chapter members from across Central Florida meet for lunch. For every five (5) members that sign in, a ticket is placed in a jar. The more members that we bring to lunch, the better our chances are of winning the Traveling Hog. At the end of lunch, a winning ticket is pulled from the jar and that Chapter gets to take home the Traveling Hog for the next two (2) months. The Traveling Hog is a trophy with a hog on the top. This is a fun event that gives you the opportunity of meeting folks from the other chapters.

7. What happens to the Traveling Hog once we win him?

Mr. Bacon also travels on Chapter outings. There is a logbook that is filled out with a short description of his travels. The winning Chapter then hosts the next Traveling Hog event.

8. What is the Activities Pin?

This is a pin created by Clermont HOG for members who have participated in 18 or more activities in a year.

9. The Lake County Hard Tail Rides...

Hard Tail rides are a set of trips designed by the Dealership. Each ride comes complete with a map, a set of directions, and an estimated ride time.